MSU first week

During the first week in Costa Rica students knew their host families in Heredia, also they made a tour in Heredia down town two know some important places in that city for our History, like the Fourtain, the central catholic church, and the museum Aberto González Flores.

Figura 1. Missouri State University en El Fortín, Heredia 2019

We visited one school in Heredia to know how our national education system works, they made some activities with children who are learning English, in the afternoon they went to Spanish classes, and bought some handicrafts made for some group or aboriginal people called Bourkas, who visited us in CPI.


Figura 2. Mascaras hechas a mano por Borukas.

On Saturday the went to La Carpio that is one of the poorest places in the country to make voluntary work in a take care center, where some citizens look after the children of many mothers while they are working.

Figura 3. Estudiantes de MSU trabajando con los niños de La Carpio

 Students tried some typical foods, learn to cook arroz con pollo in their cooking class, and received Spanish class every day.