Welcome Queen's College 2019!

Welcome Queen's College 2019!

The heat wave of Easter Break just arrived, and with it came our friends from Queen’s College! ??

Flying in directly from the warm tropics of the Bahamas ?? , this group of high school students has joined us to spend a week learning Spanish in Heredia and exploring the cultural and natural sites our beloved Costa Rica has to offer! ?? 

So far, our students have indulged themselves with local foods and fruits from the farmer’s market and from Heredia’s central market, have drunk quality coffee at Britt Coffee Tour ☕️ and have spotted ? , toucans, butterflies? and waterfalls at La Paz Waterfalls Gardens! 

Yet, these first days of adventure couldn’t be complete without a visit to the local mall and a ride in the public bus ? , just like the locals do!

Apart from all these exciting new adventures, they have walked (A LOT!) and started Spanish classes with their professors! ?

Many say that so far it’s been a wild ride and that the classes are fun and the food good! ? 

So for you that reads us, stay tuned, because more of this adventure is to be recorded!

Pura Vida!

Patricia ??