Day 1

Bienvenidos a Monteverde. CPI is very happy to welcome TAMU students in its beautiful cloud forest campus with its beautiful weather, flora and fauna. The students were given a tour of the facilities and then they were introduced to their families. Everyone was so exited and nervous to meet their Costa Rican families but with a smile on their faces they greet them with a hug and headed to their new home. Tomorrow new adventures await!

 Day 2

First day of classes. ¡Muy emocionante! The students met their professors who will be their language guides for their time in Monteverde, teaching them all kinds of important things about Costa Rica and the spanish language. After class they explored the town looking for key points such as the Gulf of Nicoya and the local town seal.

Day 3

After a morning of classes the students headed to the Monteverde Clinic where a local doctor greeted them with a smile on her face, the group received a tour of the facilities and a lecture about the Costa Rican medical system. They ended their day with a lecture dedicated to sustainable coffee production, agriculture and education on sustainability.

Day 4

A morning with lots of fun learning activities passed and the group transformed from students to chefs. Guided by a local chef, the group learned to make one of the traditional Costa Rican dishes ¡Deliciosas chalupas! The teamwork in the kitchen was notable, the group had lots of fun learning how to do this dish and ate with big appetite the master piece they cooked. 

Day 5

The perfect day to visit a Costa Rican Veterinary Clinic. The students were able to explore the facilities and analyze the similarities and differences of the veterinaries in their home country. After the visit to the veterinary clinic, the group went to the Hummingbird Gallery to seek for different kinds of humming birds in the area. 

Day 6

A blustery, rainy morning greeted us outside, but the students' excitement was undeterred. They couldn't wait to get started on their faroles! With a colorful array of materials laid out on the tables, they eagerly began crafting their unique masterpieces. These faroles would soon illuminate their parade through the streets that night, adding a touch of magic to the festivities.

Day 7

The group had a blast learning about Life Monteverde and getting their hands dirty with some planting! They were fascinated to discover how the organization is making a positive impact on the environment and local community. In the afternoon they paraded with their faroles next to the local community. It was a truly enriching and memorable experience for all.

Day 8

The group's final day in Monteverde was filled with a sense of accomplishment and nostalgia. After a week of learning, exploring, and making new friends, they reflected on their experiences and the lasting impact they had made.  It was a bittersweet farewell, but the group left Monteverde with hearts full of joy and an experience they will never forget. ¡Pura Vida, chicos! ¡Nos vemos pronto!

Windham High School 2024

Day 1:

Our first day was very emotional. We flew into Liberia, Guanacaste, where we had lunch and then took a small city tour to learn about the culture and the province where we will be staying for the next week. Later on, we continued our journey to Brasilito Beach, where we met our host families. That’s what made our day so emotional yet so exciting!


Florida State University 2024

Domingo 23 de junio! Le damos la bienvenida al grupo FSU 24, el grupo estará en Heredia por 4 semanas haciendo distintas actividades por el país! Después de la llegada al país pasamos por un rico almuerzo típico del caribe del país, luego llegamos a nuestro campus en San Joaquín de Flores, Heredia! Luego de una charla llegaron las familias ticas para recoger a los estudiante y conocer sus hogares por el siguiente mes, mañana iniciamos con las clases!

Lebanon Valley College 2024

Día 1: ¡Bienvenidas a Costa Rica!

Después de un largo vuelo, finalmente llegaron a el país más feliz del mundo, hicimos una rápida parada en Walmart, (sí, ¡Hay Walmart en Costa Rica!) para comprar snacks y ver los productos que se venden en un Walmart tico.



ST. Francis Episcopal 2024

2 de Junio, le damos la bienvenida a ST. Francis, grupo que nos estará acompañando por los próximos 14 días, una gran aventura! Al aterrizar en Liberia el grupo tomó rumbo hacia Monteverde donde sus familias ticas los  estaban esperando en nuestro campus, luego de conocer a sus familias ticas una rica cena y a dormir que mañana iniciamos con la aventura
