Good Shepherd Episcopal School 2024

Day 1- Welcome, Good Shepherd Episcopal School! This was the beginning of an incredible adventure in Costa Rica. The group was picked up with a very warm welcome at the airport, the group headed directly to lunch to eat some traditional Costa Rican cuisine. With full stomachs, the group moved to the Pacific coast of the country to meet their Costa Rican families. That first hug from their Costa Rican mom initiates the immersion of the group in the beautiful culture Costa Rica has to offer. 


Day 2- First day of classes! How exiting! The group met the professors that would join their learning journey and encourage them to increase their knowledge in the spanish language. After classes, the students headed to Beach Penca at Carrillo, Guanacaste. One of the most breathtaking beaches of Costa Rica where the group could appreciate the afternoon. A very exiting afternoon hence it was the first time some met the Pacific Ocean. 



Day 3- After a morning of classes, the group went to Tamarindo Beach. Another magnificent beach with white sand and perfect waves for surfing. The group had surf classes, first on the sand then with big smiles on their faces, they headed towards the ocean to surf with great skills. They had so much fun! After a busy afternoon the group ate some gelato and went back to this Costa Rican families.



Day 4- so today every one feels good but two girls so kellee their teacher decided to give them permission to dont go to class so they spent all deay outside sitting. today also the electric power was cut from 7 to 2 pm so they kids have been doing some activities outside. also they have planted some tress in the school in the international enviroment day. we headed to tamarindo beach for a chilling and fun day.


Day 5- After having classes and lunch, the kids went to a small town called Lorena where they were greeted by members of its community. The kids put lots of effort in cooperating a by painting a local building and planting trees around town.  They did not only worked hard but also had fun playing with some local kids. At the end of the day they were surprised by some gelato, such a sweet way of ending a day.  


 day 6-  Helping the environment was the mood for this day, the kids went to the beach to pick up some garbage to  help the natural ecosystem and habitat of animals. They also enjoyed part of their day at a Snorkel cruise and swimming at the refreshing waters of the Pacific Coast. This day was also very special since it was CPI's 33rd birthday, we all celebrated with a party, a mouthwatering pizza and a piñata filled with candy. 



day 7-  A day full of activities awaited the group today. A thrilling excursion to El Rincón de la Vieja Volcano, a national park located in Guanacaste and Alajuela with a large amount of birds, mammals and reptiles. After having a horseback ride to the river for a sensational tubing adventure the group was able to have a relaxing time at Rio Negro hot springs.           



day 8- The day started with some shopping, a cake was bought to surprise Harper on her birthday. Everyone ate cake and were ready to start their way too Monteverde in Puntarenas where they met their Costa Rican families in the afternoon.


day 9- What best way to start the day than seeing the place that will be your home for a whole week than looking at it from up high. The group had an unforgettable experience of doing canopy in Monteverde, a cloud forest rich in flora and fauna which characterizes its biodiversity. A green landscape of trees under them and the wind grazing their skin when sliding through the forest.


Day 10 - The group was excited for their cooking class at CPI, eager to explore Costa Rican cuisine. Under the guidance of a local chef, they learned to prepare traditional dishes. Divided into teams, they chopped, mixed, and cooked, filling the kitchen with laughter and delicious aromas.