Primer Día de St. Francis School

El día de hoy los estudiantes de la escuela St. Francis disfrutaron un día lleno de actividades y conocimiento sobre Costa Rica. Todos los chicos y chicas de levantaron bien temprano para asistir a su primer actividad del día el Canopy de SkyTrek. Ellos tuvieron la oportunidad tirarse en 7 lineas diferentes que iban de un lado de una montaña hacia el otro. Después de esa aventura ellos pudieron caminar por el pueblo de Santa Elena en donde compraron recuerdos para sus familias. Antes de regresar al CPI para sus primeras clases de español en Costa Rica, los estudiantes disfrutaron de una rica comida típica. Al final del día todos estaban cansado pero felices de regresar a sus casa ticas para poder descansar para el día de mañana. 



MSU La primera semana

On May 19th, 2017 the intrepid students from Missouri State University landed in San Jose. As they began to disembark upon the Costa Rican soil, their hearts beating at a brisk pace. Although not ticas quite yet, they were well on their way. Inundated with excitement, anxiety, and a full heart they heard their first words of Spanish. After a short drive to Hotel Auténtico they relinquished the pressures of culture shock and succumbed to their heavy eye lids. The following day would be a day full of adventure, mystery, and new experiences. 

Upon waking themselves, their taste buds too would soon be just as active. They tasted their first Costa Rican meal. A buffet provided by the hotel which offered a litany of various Costa Rican fruits among which included, watermelon, papaya, and pineapple. They would have their first opportunity to indulge in Costa Rican huevos and of-course Gallo Pinto. After sufficiently indulging and rehydrating with water and natural juices they embarked on their first adventure into the Costa Rican wilderness; La Paz Waterfall Gardens.

St. Francis tiene Sabor

We are happy to report that for the students of St. Francis the excitement has been nigh on unceasing during their first full week of classes. Having been Monday and Tuesday to orient themselves and adapt to their new school setting, on Wednesday our favorite college-aged emissaries were entreated to a cooking class with CPI’s resident master chef Doña Nidia.

Un Recuento de las Aventuras que Experimentaron los Heroes de St. Francis

On Thursday, May 18th the brave students of Saint Francis University emerged from the depths of San Jose airport into the haze of heat, humidity, and taxistas ardently attempting to solicit passengers that inundated the aerodrome that mid-morning. Harkening towards the blue shirts of the CPI employees sent to greet them, Saint Francis’s emissaries quickly found themselves on a bus and were spirited away to the local watering hole of Super Snacks. Here, they had their first introduction to Costa Rican cuisine. Casados and batidos were both on offer along with those staples of Costa Rican dining: rice and beans, beans and rice, and rice and beans.

Afterwards, the Saint Francis’s finest continued onwards to CPI’s campus, where they were introduced to their host families. Smiles, laughs and greetings of “pura vida” were all in abundance.

