Good Shepherd Episcopal School 2024

Day 1- Welcome, Good Shepherd Episcopal School! This was the beginning of an incredible adventure in Costa Rica. The group was picked up with a very warm welcome at the airport, the group headed directly to lunch to eat some traditional Costa Rican cuisine. With full stomachs, the group moved to the Pacific coast of the country to meet their Costa Rican families. That first hug from their Costa Rican mom initiates the immersion of the group in the beautiful culture Costa Rica has to offer. 





Day 2- First day of classes! How exiting! The group met the professors that would join their learning journey and encourage them to increase their knowledge in the spanish language. After classes, the students headed to Beach Penca at Carrillo, Guanacaste. One of the most breathtaking beaches of Costa Rica where the group could appreciate the afternoon. A very exiting afternoon hence it was the first time some met the Pacific Ocean. 






Day 3- After a morning of classes, the group went to Tamarindo Beach. Another magnificent beach with white sand and perfect waves for surfing. The group had surf classes, first on the sand then with big smiles on their faces, they headed towards the ocean to surf with great skills. They had so much fun! After a busy afternoon the group ate some gelato and went back to this Costa Rican families.






Day 4- so today every one feels good but two girls so kellee their teacher decided to give them permission to dont go to class so they spent all deay outside sitting. today also the electric power was cut from 7 to 2 pm so they kids have been doing some activities outside. also they have planted some tress in the school in the international enviroment day. we headed to tamarindo beach for a chilling and fun day.





Day 5- After having classes and lunch, the kids went to a small town called Lorena where they were greeted by members of its community. The kids put lots of effort in cooperating a by painting a local building and planting trees around town.  They did not only worked hard but also had fun playing with some local kids. At the end of the day they were surprised by some gelato, such a sweet way of ending a day.  




 day 6-  Helping the environment was the mood for this day, the kids went to the beach to pick up some garbage to  help the natural ecosystem and habitat of animals. They also enjoyed part of their day at a Snorkel cruise and swimming at the refreshing waters of the Pacific Coast. This day was also very special since it was CPI's 33rd birthday, we all celebrated with a party, a mouthwatering pizza and a piñata filled with candy. 



day 7-  A day full of activities awaited the group today. A thrilling excursion to El Rincón de la Vieja Volcano, a national park located in Guanacaste and Alajuela with a large amount of birds, mammals and reptiles. After having a horseback ride to the river for a sensational tubing adventure the group was able to have a relaxing time at Rio Negro hot springs.           



day 8- The day started with some shopping, a cake was bought to surprise Harper on her birthday. Everyone ate cake and were ready to start their way too Monteverde in Puntarenas where they met their Costa Rican families in the afternoon.


day 9- What best way to start the day than seeing the place that will be your home for a whole week than looking at it from up high. The group had an unforgettable experience of doing canopy in Monteverde, a cloud forest rich in flora and fauna which characterizes its biodiversity. A green landscape of trees under them and the wind grazing their skin when sliding through the forest.




PUC UTexas/2024

Welcome to Costa Rica, after their flights, we picked them up at Daniel Oduber Airport (Guanacaste, liberia) where we started going to the first stop which was the El Jardin Restaurant and they tried their first costa rican food. on the way to the Hotel they had the opportunity to see monkeys, birds some typical trees from this area and the beautiful flamingo beach. couple minutes later we got to casas Del Toro where students are going to stay.  there they did check-in and they got beautiful and comfortable rooms. later on, we had dinner and Carlos from Siempre Amigos talked some details about the next day for the project in Lorena where they are going to work. excited for the next day. pura vida. 


2 Day

Buenos dias Costa Rica, starting the day with a traditional costa rican breakfast so called gallo pinto and getting ready to go to lorena community

9 am, we got to la plaza, which is the soccer field, meeting point for the community and where carols and some workers from siempre amigos were waiting for us.

after that we got some indications and tasks to do, so we started working in a good rhythm, the weather was good not so hot, with a good breeze. 

some kids got approach and talk to our students, they were very excited to share with them. 

at 12 pm we had a delicious lunch that was cooking by local woman with firewood kitchen.

finishing and coming back to the hotel a little bit tired but grateful with the project that already started. 

3 Day 

another beautiful day, eating breakfast and getting ready to head over to lorena where kids were already waiting for us, as soon as they saw the bus they started running to reach us at the plaza


carlos showed us the primary school and introduced us the teacher and primary school's director were we payed attention of some activities that they can do with the kids.

after that lunch some mothers from the school they were selling copos (ice cream flakes) and our students bought some some and they liked the taste.

after a good day working, we had downtime, so we visited flamingo beach, where our studets were swimming and relaxing with the view of north Pacific Ocean of costa rica.

after beach some jumped in the pool in the hotel and chilling a bit

 feeling more relax, at dinner we talked about the day that was so good. 

4 Day

have you ever felt an earthquake? today we learned some aspects about how costa rican built structures that can withstand an earthquake and some historical moments, for example that costa rica was affected by several earthquakes back in the days.

kept working while some students from the school were walking to us and then they mentioned that they are in a political party for the school, and they said vote for my political party. 

kids normally visit us at the workplace to give us a hand and also to play. 

rain came and we ran for a roof, there in the hall we were hearing the sound of the rain which made us feel relaxed and happy. 

at night after dinner, we were preparing some materials for the next day because we are going to share with those kids at the school in the classroom. 

we are excited about that presentation, looking forward to sharing with them. pura vida. 


5 Day

today we shared with students from the lorenas primary school where we take the opportunity to explain the idea of our project in the community that we are working to build a recycling center for you for the community and also giving them the idea how important is it for everybody, the presentation was in Spanish and English. 

during the day we had some rain some we exchanged some tasks. 

we are proud of the steps that we have had so far a good teamwork and spirit of collaboration. 

on the way to the hotel we learned some fun facts about money and bills of costa rica, the meaning of each bill, that each bill represents the different forest of costa rica. 

for dinner we talked about some institutions of costa rica. 


6 Day

rain cannot stop us, we keep working in the structure of the recycling center, sharing work with locals and foreigners who work in the community, for our students have been interesting talking to those people and learn Spanish there. 

due to the rain, we changed the place for lunch, the place was the house of a local women, her name is Rosa and rosa was so happy to welcome all of us and give us the delicious food that she cooks with her sister, typical dish rice with chicken, potato chips, potato with eggs, smash beans and iced tea juice. 

after lorena we visited flamingo beach just to chill after hard work. 

at dinner we talked some details about weekend that we will have because we have a tour on Sunday close to rincon de la vieja volcano with different adventure activities. 


breakfast today we got rancheros eggs, pan cakes, fruits were so delicious. 

at lorena most of the day we were painting some roof, and which is getting an structure that made us feel happy and excited to see process this week. 

later on, we went to conchal beach one of the most beautiful beaches in costa rica which was really worth it spending time there and recharging energy.

watching sunset was a good moment all of were very haooy with those colors. 

at dinner we were talking about itinerary for the one-day tour. 

8 Day 

waking up early and heading over to the day adventure at hacienda Guachipelin, the breakfast was to go because was so early and anybody wanted to eat

we drove for two hours to hacienda Guachipeling where there we had four different activities 

the day adventure tour started with horseback riding along the forest where we had some views of the volcano after that we got ready to go down in the river the activity was tubing, and it was fun all of us ended wet. 

break for lunch that was so delicious costa Rican food.

canopy our third activt was so nice the views that we had different stations in the forest and the adrenaline was amazing we really liked it. 

the hot springs was our last activity which we also liked just hot water to relax our body and to relax. 

after a long day we got to our hotel to rest after full day. 

 9 day

 after a good weekend we wake up feeling a little bit tired but in a positive mood because this week we know that is important because we have seen process in the project and we would like to keep the same energy because we would like to see the project finish that's our goal and we are going to keep this rhythm and as carlos said ponerle ganas al trabajo o trabajar duro this days. 

while were were working some students came with some materials to recycle so they were explaining us how they are goibg to do it and which materilas you can recycle. 

today we keep working hard but we did we felt like a long day but all the effort is worth it also the participation of the school who reakky support for example some ideas to engage the community to be part of the recycle culture. 

after dinner we tried to select some colors to pain for the recycle center and also some draws that we can do it. 








Meredith College 24

Domingo 12 Le damos la bienvenida al grupo de Meredith, el cuál estará participando por las siguientes 4 semanas en nuestro campus en Heredia!

Luego de la llegada al país nos dirigimos al CPI Heredia, después de la orientación llegaron las familias ticas por ellas para tener la primera cena en Costa Rica, mañana iniciamos clases de español.


Lunes 13 iniciamos hoy con el programa  de español por la mañana, luego de un rico almuerzo regresaron al CPI para tomar una hora extra de clases de español y terminando la tarde haciendo el San Joaquín walking tour, mañana será otro buen día.

Martes 14 Las chicas tuvieron clases de español en la mañana y luego del almuerzo tuvieron una hora extra para luego tener una pequeña charla sobre las clases de la universidad!

Miércoles 15 el grupo de Meredith luego de sus clases fue a Heredia para un city tour, mucha lluvia pero una tarde diferente y linda para ellas.

Jueves 16 las chicas luego de la mañana de clases de español tuvieron la clase de cocina, ellas prepararon un delicioso arroz con pollo, acompañado de frijoles molidos y ensalada, luego de esto fueron a más clases de español para cerrar la tarde con las clases universitarias!

Viernes 17, sábado 18 y domingo 19 el grupo salió hacia Tucurrique para disfrutar de la belleza de este pequeño pueblo ubicado en Cartago, un fin se semana con mucha conexión con la naturaleza!

Lunes 20 hoy retornaron a clases de español durante la mañana y una hora extra por la tarde, luego tuvieron las clases universitarias a cargo de los profesores Callie y Kevin para al final retornar a sus hogares!


Martes 21 después de las clases de español el almuerzo y nuevamente las clases de español las chicas de Meredith College tuvieron la tarde libre para realizar actividades fuera de la escuela!

Miércoles 22 hoy vinieron a clases de español por la mañana y tarde, luego tuvieron la tarde libre para cerrar la noche con la cena en sus familias ticas!


Jueves 23 hoy el grupo luego de sus clases de español en la mañana y tarde salieron rumbo a Manuel Antonio a disfrutar de un fin de semana en la playa, viernes, sábado y domingo de aventura y descanso!

Lunes 27 el grupo después de un gran fin de semana volvieron a clases de español durante la mañana, por la tarde tuvieron clases de la universidad para cerrar el día cenando con su familia!

Martes 28 hoy después de clases de español tuvimos las clases de baile latino, las cuales fueron muy disfrutadas por las chicas de Meredith, mañana nos vamos de tour!


Miércoles 29 hoy luego de las clases de español y un rico almuerzo salimos de tour de café a Doka, un tour súper bonito donde nos enseñaron sobre el proceso del café!


Jueves 30 un día diferente, luego de las clases de español tuvieron tarde libre, luego de una tarde de descanso regresaron a cenar con sus familias ticas!



Viernes 31, sábado 1 y domingo 2 las chicas después de clases salieron de tour para La Fortuna, donde pasaron el fin de semana, una gran experiencia para ellas! Además 3 de ellas tuvieron la experiencia de visitar Monteverde, una gran tiempo vivieron!

Lunes 3 de junio luego de las clases de español y un rico almuerzo regresaron a nuestro campus en Heredia para tener clases de la universidad, la cena con las familias ticas!


Martes 4 de junio, las chicas hoy tuvieron clases de español y la tarde libre, una tarde de descanso pero también para realizar algunos proyectos de la universidad.


Miércoles 5 de junio, hoy al igual que ayer tuvieron clase de español y la tarde libre, con la diferencia que parte del grupo visitó San José, una tarde diferente llena de cultura e historia, una rica cena en las familias ticas y a descansar!


Jueves 6 de junio, luego de las clases de español tuvieron un rico almuerzo para luego continuar con las clases de la universidad, mañana último día de clases de español!


Viernes 7 de junio, último día de clases, hoy un día de mezcla de sentimientos, luego de las clases de español tuvimos la graduación y una clase final de la universidad, mañana las chicas y los profes de Meredith Collage regresan a Estados Unidos!


Sábado 8 de junio, último día en Costa Rica, agradecemos al grupo de Meredith por la confianza, esperamos que fuera una gran experiencia, que tengan un buen viaje y que nos podamos ver pronto, pura vida!


Bancroft School 2024

Domingo 10 de marzo, le damos la bienvenida al grupo Bancroft School, grupo que nos visita desde Massachusetts, llegando al país, iniciamos el viaje hacia Monteverde, lugar durante estaremos toda la semana aprendiendo clases de español, compartiendo y aprendiendo de la cultura Costarricense, al llegar las familias ticas estaban esperando en nuestro campus para ir a descansar, mañana conoceremos Santa Elena!

Lunes 11 de marzo, hoy tuvimos una caminata por Santa Elena, donde conocimos un poco de la ciudad, aparte jugamos la búsqueda del tesoro, sin duda una mañana divertida, luego volvimos al CPI para tener la clase de cocina, donde las chicas y los chicos prepararon un rico arroz con pollo! Luego iniciamos con las clases de español y regresaron a las familias ticas para una rica cena!

Martes 12 de marzo, iniciamos el día muy temprano, visitamos la reserva Santa Elena, una mañana muy lluviosa y fría, pero eso no hizo que se disfrutara y se aprendiera, regresamos para un rico almuerzo en un restaurante local, continuaron en la tarde con las clases de español y cerramos el día con clases de baile latino, un hermoso día!

Miércoles 13 de marzo, nos fuimos de tour al Trapiche, un tour genial, donde nos enseñan sobre el café, cacao y caña de azúcar, un tour muy completo, dinámico, informativo y divertido, un delicioso almuerzo en el lugar y regresamos para iniciar con las clases de español, al finalizar la tarde tuvimos noche de cine en el CPI, otro gran día acá en Monteverde para el grupo de Bancroft School!

Jueves 14 de marzo, hoy día de adrenalina y aventura, fuimos al canopy, sin duda una maravillosa experiencia para el grupo, mucha neblina y frío hacían de este tour mágico, luego de esto pasamos por un rico almuerzo en un restaurante local para luego volver a nuestro campus a clases de español, para finalizar la tarde el grupo tuvo la oportunidad de ir al jacuzzi que tenemos en la escuela, regresaron para una cena con sus familias ticas y luego a descansar, mañana nuestro último día en Monteverde!

Viernes 15 de marzo, último día en Monteverde, visitamos la finca de Life Monteverde y aprendimos mucho sobre tener un desarrollo sostenible y minimizar el impacto sobre la contaminación en nuestro día, ser creativos y conscientes de poder dar una re utilización a los desechos! Luego del almuerzo tuvimos una degustación de café para luego volver al CPI! Al finalizar la tarde tuvimos una pequeña ceremonia de graduación y volvimos a nuestras familias ticas para compartir con ellos, mañana salimos para Guanacaste!

Sábado 16 de marzo, salimos muy temprano de Monteverde rumbo hacia Guanacaste, específicamente hacia la comunidad de Lorena, hicimos trabajo voluntario en cual pintamos las gradas, barandas, bancas y sillas de la plaza de la comunidad, trabajamos en conjunto con siempre amigos una gran ONG que nos permite realizar estos cambios! Luego de un gran almuerzo vinimos al hotel para al finalizar la tarde dirigirnos a ver el atardecer a Playa Flamingo, una rica cena en un restaurante de la comunidad y a dormir que mañana será un gran día!

Domingo 17 de marzo, tuvimos la mañana libre, luego nos dirigimos a Tamarindo para un rico almuerzo y embarcar el catamarán en el cuál disfrutamos de una magnifica tarde, bebidas, comida y snorkel y mucha diversión a bordo del barco, al final un hermoso atardecer y una gran cena en el hotel para irnos a descansar, mañana último día en Costa Rica!

Lunes 18 de marzo, agradecemos mucho a Bancroft School por esta semana, les deseamos un excelente viaje y esperamos que regresen pronto, Pura Vida!


